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Twilight Cake Wrecks + Cheeseburger Cravings

My Undercover TwiCrack Dealer sent me a link to one of her favorite blogs, Cake Wrecks, which highlights any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, or inappropriate. Recently, they featured this trainwreck of a Twilight cake with the following funny commentary:
Now, can I appreciate the irony of a vampire cake that sucks?

Of course I can.

Do I mind that the apple is now a red bell pepper?

Nah, not so much.

Would I still like to know what the Wreckerator was smoking when s/he made those flabby-yet-disjointed amoeba arms?

[nodding] Yes, yes I would.
Check out Cake Wrecks' Twilight of our Discontent!

Since it's lunchtime on the east coast, Cheeseburgers are in order! Check out this funny Twilight parody by the Upright Citizens' Brigade, thanks to New Moon Movie. :-)

P.S. I'm gonna go to Hale if the creator of this cake sees this post, but it's too awesome not to blog about!