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International Hunky Vampire (& Human) Whereabouts Guide

Jaunted offers deets on where the Twilight Cast will be after Vancouver:

New York City. Robert Pattinson, who plays the 104-year-old virgin Edward Cullen, will be shooting the romance "Remember Me" directed by Allen Coulter ("Hollywoodland") and cowritten by "Rachel Getting Married"'s Jenny Lumet.

Chicago and the 'burbs. Kellan Lutz (Emmett) will be shooting the new "Nightmare on Elm Street" in the sleepy suburb of Barrington, Illinois -- and they could need some extra scared teenagers!

Vietnam. Jackson Rathbone (Jasper) will be shooting "The Last Airbender" for M. Night Shyamalan, in which he plays a stubborn teenage warrior opposite "Slumdog Millionaire"'s Dev Patel.

Los Angeles. Kristen "Bella Swan" Stewart will be in town in a few short weeks working on "The Runaways," a biopic of Joan Jett costarring Dakota Fanning who is also part of the Volturi.

Des Moines, IA. Harboring a secret crush on Billy Burke's Charlie Swan? Find him in the cornfields to shoot the domestic drama "Ticket Out" with Ray Liotta.

Read the entire article here.