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Tattoos, etc: Jackson is a Lost Boy + Octomom is not a TwiCrack Addict

Very cool Inked interview with Jackson where he talks about his tattoo:
I only have one right now, but I definitely plan on getting more. My friends and I were kind of the bad kids in school, the troublemakers. We went to Interlochen Arts Academy, this really great boarding school in Michigan, and there were six of us who were always acting out against authority. The school administration was like, "Stay away from those boys-they're ‘Lost Boys,'" so that's what everyone called us. When I was 18, I got a tattoo that says, "I'm lost."
Read the rest here.

Also, while in the subject of tattoos, Radaronline.com has an interview with Octomom, where Octomom reveals that she has no idea what Twilight is while waiting to get her 8th tattoo. (See video around :57)