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Jonas, Brother.

Yes, sorry - getting my abs out on the feed again. It's for a good cause; I promise.

If you aren't in the Belleza update group - especially if you are a guy - then you are missing out on the best 250l investment you can possibly make. With every new release in the past few months they have sent a sample skin out to all their members. This is Jonas.

Belleza 1

He arrived in the group notices today, hot on the heels of Mathieu and Miguel from the past six weeks. The skin came in two versions, this one with hair and a bald one. And the gift package included this impressive shape.

Belleza 2

I could rave on about the musculature and detail all day, but you can see for yourself just how well put together he is. And for those attached to your normal shape? I've shot a pic in mine own less impressive physique so you can see that it suits everyone.

Belleza 3

As I stated the Belleza group costs 250l to join. And it is SO worth it. Search for it inworld, it's listed as -Belleza- but apparently it's somewhat tricky to find. So that's what I did, I opened up Tricky Boucher's profile and stole it from there. I'm also wearing the free male underwear from Sartori.