So Sileny has sl food, Winter has pink, Acha has bunneh, Loli has Creams and Creams has gestures, Adi has GG. All things they love with a deep and burning passion. My new love is CS4. This is why I've been MIA, I have been utterly absorbed. I want to reach into my hard drive and hug the shit out of this program, srsly. I love love love love it. I recommend upgrading to anyone who has an earlier version of PS, this version is perfection.
Enough of gushing over programs, time now to gush over clothes. My 2 favie designers, the gorgy girls @
Axel have redecorated, overhauled and released a
ton of new stuff. I took Q in there and went to town, I think I bought her the whole store :P This is the latest dollarbie, and won't be out for long, so best to make Axel the first stop on your list. The skin is a group gift from
Yourskin Yourshape, a fave store of Creams. The face is so pretty, there's a painted hairbase, and cute tan lines.
Another of my loves is my friends, especially those who say nothing when I tp in to clear a chair/board half naked ;) Ms Hempy called me to
Likkahouse, she got to see my bewbs, I got this dress ...sounds fair no?! The blood layer came from the hunt at
Fallen Gods, I'm still going with that one, I've found 7 prizes before lag got the better of me, but I'm soo going back to finish it up! I had a really great time exploring, and I found heaps of stuff I'd never seen before. My favorite part of the sim has always been the gallery, but now I have some awesome hidey holes, for those times when I just like to vanish. The awesome flats shown are from
Flair, not free, but so worth spending money on. The skin is from Hobo, I saw a pic of it on our
Flickr and was all "WANT" You too can have it, for an L, yes one whole linden.
And quite literally bringing up the rear (:P) lucky chair newness from
Dare Designs. There are eleventytwelve million colours to be won, aren't you a spoilt bunch! They are only residing in the chair for a week, so start stalking now. Ash Out.
Pic 1
AxelPic 2
Pics 1-2
Flair (not free)
Pic 3
Dare Designs lucky chair
Hair (not free)
Pic 1
Yourskin Yourshape group gift
Pic 2
HoboPic 3
Tuli group gift