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dp yumyum has a loverly exclusive b&w version of the new rosepetal dress available as a gift in exchange for 30 minutes of item camping (not shown, but also comes with pink ruffly kneesocks and a charming poofy flower hat thing):

and while i'm on the subject of item camping.... use some common courtesy, for fuck's sake. there is ONE chair, and a lot of people trying to get a chance. let people have their turns and if you're not sure who's been waiting, ask. don't be like the cretin i encountered this morning who rezzed next to me as i camped, and with a few seconds left wore a giant afk cabinet to obscure the view of the chair so she could hop on ahead of everyone who had been waiting patiently. don't be that douchebag.

ANYWAY. moving on, also worn above is the adorable free maggie hair from tiny bird, which was a bunny hop prize but is also out again in the newly re-born store. also make sure you grab the gifty box o' tattooey goodness from haver cole's soon-to-open *smudge*; in it you'll find super special ink made especially for autumn's new birdy brand. shown below are the arm feathers and part of the cooze wings (there's a third just as awesome back tattoo in the box, but my picture taking steam ran out and you don't want to see my attempts at photographing it. really):

other not-free shit
skin - curio
lingerie - armidi
all hair - tiny bird