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I only know who these people are because of Goddess Stephenie Meyer

Before Stephenie Meyer's endorsement of Emily Browning and Henry Cavill as her preferred Ella and Bedward, I'd never heard of either of these people - and they'd never heard of Twilight. Also, by the time I lost my TwiVirginity, KStew had already won the role of Bella.

However, some of you may care to know how this Emily-person didn't become Bella:

Browning is eager to finally tell her side of the "Twilight" tale. "Maybe I should set it straight a little bit, because there are so many rumors flying around," she said. "People are coming up to me and saying, 'Oh, my God. You turned ['Twilight'] down?' and all this horrible stuff!

"What actually happened is that I was asked to audition — not take the part, but to just audition — shortly after 'The Uninvited' had finished filming," the actress said. "And I'm not the type of person who can just work back-to-back. So I was just exhausted, and I was like, 'I'm sorry, but I just can't sign on to a trilogy right now.'"

Read the rest of the article at MTV.