Say goodbye to the long, bulky coats and finally show your pixel arms and legs - Its SPRING. There is nothing better than the sight of flower blooming.. Combined with the bright happy colour surrounding this season and the fact that I've never ever been to any seasonal country in spring before, spring is my favourite season...
I guess its mandatory for me to introduce myself. Well well, I'm one of those crazy people that creamy has give the chance to guest blog here. A frenzy shopper and more importantly *duh* a freebie whore. Freestyle helped me un-noob myself a year back, so I guess its payback time :)
The outfit today is built around the new release gift from Pididdle. Friends who know me will realise wearing the tunic alone is not enough unless I accessorise it to death. It occurred to me that readers here might not wanna read my rambles. But before you scroll down to credits, I would like to draw your attention to the adorable hairpin. The hairpin is a recent find from the *mocorin*. This is just one of the freebies available. The paid items are below 50L (?) and super kawaii. So check out this store if you have a chance..

Skin: :GP: Petal [Light] Lovely-Firehouse 2 (Join Gala & Rita Design Announcements Group and check notices)
Tunic: PIDIDDLE - Tunic Gift
Shorts: Mirrors*+ Free Hickory High (Group only)
Jacket: *bf*cardigan (only part of it was worn)
Hair Accessory: *mocorin* Dandelion HAIRakuse big (tanpopo)
Not Free:
Hair: Maitreya Piper II - Natural Blond
Bangle: ~*FBG*~ Bright Sprinkle Donut Bangle - Gold
Flats: 50 Flats- Flower Flats (A/N: absolutely kawaii I love it so much!)