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'Eyes of Amber' Thinks My Blog is Fabulous + Blogs That Rock My Socks

I woke up to a poopy day, but my bloggy friend Eyes of Amber put a big smile on my face by giving me this award!
Once you win this award, you are to list 5 of your addictions then pass this on to 5 of your fabulous friends. Well, here are TwiCrack Addict's five addictions:

1. TwiCrack (duh)
2. Blogging about Twilight (duh)
3. Edward Cullen (don't tell my husband)
4. Traveling the World
5. Pumpkin anything - e.g. Pie, ice cream, bread, soup, etc.

Next, I'm supposed to pass this award on to some of my favorite blogs. Well, some of my favorites have already been gifted with this award, including, Cullen Boys Anonymous, The Danger Magnet, and Pillow Biters, so here are some of my other favorite bloggy friends who make me smile:

For making me pee-in-my-pants by making fun of craziest of the crazy TwiHards :-)

For being the creator of the 'Pocket Edward' moniker, which is now used ubiquitously across the Twilight fandom

For showing us the *other* wild-side of Pocket Edward

For being my fellow TwiCrack Addict in the UK

For Awesome 100 Monkeys Concert Coverage

And, ok...I know I'm cheating but I want to give a shout-out to one more!

For bringing support and awareness to Solomon Trimble & issues that we otherwise would not have considered (and for constantly commenting on my blog)