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Unicorn or Anticorn? You decide!

There's a war being waged at the Starlust Motel, the likes of which have never been seen. Two factions have sprung up in support of or in opposition to the arrival of...

The unicorns!

To get the full story behind the war between the unicorns and the anticorns, click here and read up on how the Starlust Motel has now been renamed as "Sparkle Village" and the grounds are overflowing with unicorns and glitter. But...if you choose to join in the fight, be warnedl! The battle is fiercely raging as more unicorns arrive and more anticorn propaganda is rained down upon all of Starlustland. The below picture is evidence of how contentious the war is, with one propaganda-wearing anticorn (Gecko Gorilla) leveling a gun at a unicorn supporter (Moi)! Le gaspe!

Katat0nik Pidgeon, one of the tenants at the Motel, has taken a stand and officially come out in support of unicorns! If you decide to join the Pro-Unicorn Movement, you can pick up a dress she designed to support the cause. It's called "Making Memories" and it's available for free in the Starlust Hotel Lobby, and yes...those are unicorns making sweet, sweet love on the skirt.
In fact, when I ran into Katat0nik while scoping out the changes to the Starlust, we were suddenly overtaken by unicorn fever as we stood among the sexual unicorns!
Unable to control myself, I started touching Kat...in a very inappropriate place! Things started happening in a rush as we were sucked into the lustful magic of the unicorns!
In my defense, I blame the leaders of the Anticorns, Stein Shilova and Melatonin Hax, for the ah..."making memories" with Kat in the blackmail-worthy photos above. They must have put something in the water! Or...something. Yeah! That explains it...

If you decide to become an Anticorn (or even if you lurve the unicorns like me), be sure to check the notices of the I (heart) Starlust Update Group! There are tee shirts and other goodies for both factions!

Style Notes of Mostly Non-Free Stuff:

Adaire ~

Sakura Skin: Minajunk
Hezza Hair (White w/Green Tips): Deviant Kitties
Unicorn Horn (White): Illusions
Ruffled Panties (Purple): Katat0nik
Hya Cloven Hooved Boots (Axis Mundi Exclusive Color): Lazy Places
Lucky Star Bracelet (Black/Violet): Violet Voltaire
Soulful Eyes (Purple): Sn@tch
Raptor Gun (Black/Purple): TalTECH (Lucky Chair Gift!)

Katat0nik ~
Sakra Skin & Hair (Part of the "Sakura" Avatar): Minajunk
Kawaii Star Necklace: Violet Voltaire
Make Me A Pretty Unicorn Playset: Beloved (available in the Starlust Motel lobby)
Hya Cloven Hooved Boots (Axis Mundi Exclusive Color): Lazy Places
Tattoos: Numen

Gecko ~
Redeemer Skin: Aitui
Blaze Hair: HCT
Anticorn T-Shirt: I (heart) Starlust (Group Gift!)
Riot (Dirty Harry) Jeans: Primitive Design
Studded Belt: ReToX
Pornstar Sneakers: Urban Bomb Unit
Leather Strap Cuff: Alphamale
Proto Time Watch: Hoorenbeek
Where Were You in '77 Necklace: Rawdolls
Ear Gauges: Aitui
Desert Eagle Guns: Breach