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thank you jojo

i'm in my true blogging Happy Place when i've got something that toe-curlingly delights me through and through. no sense of obligation, just sheer joy. some of my favoritest offlines are ones that read "Jojorunoo Runo has offered you...," and yesterday morning, as always, she had me tripping over myself to log in:

hello free petal dress! all sweetly provocative, all soft sherbet colored curves hinting at ripe flesh beneath.

also newish, but not free, is the ribbon bikini:

nothing sweet about it, just velvety dark fabric daring someone to give one good tug and make it fall away. mhm.

stuff and things

picture #1
free: petal dress - runoruno
not free: hair - truth; skin - curio

picture #2
not free: ribbon bikini - runoruno (50L); hair - truth (from the victoria bushfire fundraiser and no longer available, but there are comparable styles in the store); skin - curio; tattoo - aitui