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VOLTURI CASTING: Jamie Campbell-Bower is CAIUS!

(Flock of Seagulls, anyone?)


British actor Jamie Campbell-Bower has revealed he will play Volturi leader Caius in The Twilight Saga: New Moon.

The 20-year-old, who has appeared in RockNRolla and Sweeney Todd, told the BBC news website that taking part in the vampire series was "very exciting".

"You're the first people I've told" he said. "Shooting has already started, and I'm going over in June."

The film, due for release in November, is the second adaptation from author Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series.

The role of Caius is key to the plot of New Moon. He forms part of the triumvirate leading the Italian based coven of vampires called the Volturi.

(Jamie in Sweeney Todd)

Jamie also reveals the following:

Campbell-Bower confessed he was not previously aware of the character: "I hadn't read the books before. But it's a great thing to be a part of, and it did very well last year."


Campbell-Bower teased: "I do know who else will be in it - but I can't tell you, unfortunately.

"But go online and have a look at the rumours," he said, then added: "They're all false. You're putting me in a terrible situation."

Holy Shizz! Read the rest here.

And, thanks to Jamie Campbell Bower Online, we have these pics to view: