Most recently,Perez Hilton has once again used Kristen for target practice and posted again about what an ungrateful 'twat' he thinks KStew is. Ouch.
I refrained from posting about these recent tabloid-driven Kristen jabs because 1) this was OLD shizz disguised in a new package, and 2) Kristen's comments were taken out of context. Well, Twilighters Anonymous was kind enough to dig up the original Cinematical interview from back in November 2008 where Kristen originally commented on whether or not it would be easy for her to walk away from the Twilight franchise, and here is what actually transpired:
"At the end of a long day of interviews promoting Twilight, it might be exhaustion -- or high spirits -- that makes Kristen Stewart so blunt; asked if she's thought about walking away from the series just to mess with people's heads, she laughs:Alright. So KStew isn't exactly articulate and she has a lot to learn about managing her public image for the sake of her long-term career, but she's raw & honest. While I think Kristen could be more *gracious* towards the Twilight fandom, whose support has played a large part in accelerating her newfound fame and subsequent career opportunities, I'm not sure that she is deserving of this public skewering.
"Oh, God, yeah. I've totally had the thought; it would be so easy for me to send so many hundreds of girls into such a frenzy. It took a long time for me to admit that I was too bogged down by the first book, to admit to these girls that I wasn't as ... I'm just as obsessed as they are; I read it from an entirely different perspective and had to live it for three months. I can't start the next book unless I have the job to do, or I'm just gonna drive myself insane -- and even this, they don't get that. They're like "What? How could you not read the book ...?" Yeah, I have thought, many times. "What could I do?" It'd be so easy. ..."