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D'OH and a FREE AO

*Authors Edit - I just talked to Zaara and this item isn't new it's apparently just old enough to have faded from my memory from the feeds! But it's STILL beautiful and it's STILL available at EVERY Zaara location. It's called MALA!

Ok so since my friend Sasy says so wisely, everything is NEW to someone......I'm throwing this out first...........please share in my D'OH moment from last night.

They are capri pants and they come with the top. I've actually had these for two weeks and for some unknown reason thought it was jeans..........bleh I'm a doofus.

Free at Fusion Crossing Zaara Location.

Skin - PXL Creations Grace - NOT FREE
Hair - Diversity Hair - Zuri - NOT FREE

So then onto other game.
I found a cute free AO with lots of versatility on xstreetsl.com It's not loaded with a ton of anims but you can load your own and it's pretty customizable. I actually like the ground sit - it's got a ground sit button and BOOM you just have a seat. Kinda fun.

You can get this free AO here.

And then while putzing about the world of Xstreet I found this cute top! You may have seen it but if not - it's a fun pick-up. VERY sassy and summery!

You can get the shirt for free HERE
The hair is 1L for the fatpack at Zero Style and the skin was a group gift from Free Speerit at Christmas time. The Pants you can get at Merlynn's Closet where she has a TON of excellent jeans for about 25L!