Supercute bedroom set prize from +Mocha+
O YES, IT'S CSR TIME! I haven't gotten all the prizes that I've wanted, yet, but here's a smattering from the different designers. The concept is this: Twenty awesomepants designers (Japanese for the most part) have gotten together to create incentive gifts for us (including the fabled DP**yumyum plushie animal avatar -- this year it's an adorable tiger!).
If you buy one of their items with the CSR sign on the vendor, you get a cute little stamp card. Attach the stamp card and touch the stamp machine from each of the 20 stores, and you can redeem each filled card for the prize of your choice! The twenty prizes are super-awesome, and I've blogged in half of them here. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT CSR HERE!

The +Mocha+ bedroom set has four poses!

Pants from Grasp, shoes and luggage from Picnic, jacket from Niniko

DP**yumyum Tiger avvie!, Yabusaka letter-changing armthingie

Jacket from Niniko, Gritty Kitty Black Sheep Boy ears & tail

Zero Style hair, Edelweiss sailor outfit, 109 Prims Christmas backpack thingie