Casia here, crawling out from the woodwork to say a HUGE, HUGE THANK YOU to the AMAZING designers who have been SO generous throughout 2009! It is SO hard to pick between the fabuloso gifts that we've been given but here is a mix of some of my faves!

BIG thank yous to Maitreya for the AMAZING free hair that they gave at Hair Fair, ATOMIC for the beautiful skin that was given in their lucky chair, Modd.G for the cutest little summer dress that was a Subleties of Summer hunt gift, and Duh! for these awesome clogs that weren't free but were damn close at only 20L a pair!
There are so many fantastic designers in SecondLife that really make the game worth playing! Thanks for making SL such a fashiontastic place to be! Happy New Year everyone!
<3, Cas