I am hoping to get people from this blog, and other blogs, to post their favorite freebie of the year! Most of us do not thank the designers who give us these awesome treats nearly enough. We forget that it takes real life money, time, creativity and energy to make these gifts for us. So let's say thank you! Bloggers, consider this a blogger challenge. Those of you who don't blog, leave a comment or post on your Flickr streams or Plurk it or Tweet or just send a thank you IM to a creator. What better way to end a year and start a new one than giving thanks to those who make our second lives more enjoyable?

My two personal favorite freebies this year were the Unbirthday Redux subscriber gift hair from
Lamb and the Masquerade skin from
Street Dermatology. Both are no longer free but that's not the point of this post :P I love them. I bet the vast majority of you who got them do too. So thank you Lamb and Akila for these great gifts, from us!
P.S.- The great shirt is a current freebie. It's by Couverture and is available at the
Designers United event. Pure Love.