I didn't even find all of them, but at the time of posting this there were around 29 gifts out (this doesn't even include all the awesome gifts from the various other stores on the sim! more about those in a bit possibly.) The Cupcakes group notice says there will be even MORE gifts tomorrow...could you just pass out now or what?

The new Daydream line just takes my breath completely away. Every tone, every makeup, is totally lovely. The faces are so soft and almost bordering on ethereal. Love them.

And speaking of buying, keep your eyes peeled for deals while you are there! In every single skin line, in every tone, there are several makeups marked between 50L-100L. I bought a lot of them, lol. The pictures below are some of the ones I got. There are more but I ran out of money. Heh.

OK! Go have fun hunting and remember to take off as many scripted goodies as possible so you don't become a personal sim crasher, lol. The gifts are not only IN the store, but also AROUND it, so look everywhere!
Not Free:
Pigtails Hair: Truth
Wavy Hair: Lamb