Vive9 gave out a couple of gifts in the group notices. They often do. It's a group group to dedicate one of your 25-100 group slots to (hehe). Not only are they doing skins now, but clothes too! And the clothes are like...*drool* And for some extra fun I added the pencil of rage from malizz :P

Pencil of Rage: Malizz Yiyuan, group gift
Hair: Bishwear @ Savoir Hair, free
And HEY! Remember how I previewed the Staged group gift skin? Well it's out now! And not only are the skins there but they also have an awesome gown in group notices too! The group join fee is 50L now but this group gives out gifts every month, at least one gift, so it's worth the join fee by miles and miles and miles.

Gown and Skin: Staged, group gifts (50L join fee)