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Everything You Need.

The only thing you can't hunt for, appearance wise, at DeeTalez is hair; Calico Ingmann, however, is having a hunt. So hunt numero uno plus hunt numero dos equals super full avatar!

In the hunt at DeeTalez you are looking for pumpkins. There are two pumpkins in each section, green pumpkins being for males and orange being for females.

I tried to take pictures of the male goods, but I failed hardcore. I am so not a male. Guys....I don't know how you do it!! But there are skins, shapes, shoes, tattoos, jewelry, accessories and clothes in this hunt for you!!!

At Calico Ingman you are also looking for pumpkins. They are scattered around the whole store (and there might even be one in the Silent Sparrow mini shop :D) amidst pumpkins that do not contain gifties. There are also pumpkins that contain skins but they are smaller and I had a hard time finding them on my laggy end. The sad face.

There are about a million hairs in special Halloween colors in the Calico hunt so only a fraction are pictured here. There are a bunch more things from DeeTalez not pictured either. Guess that just means you go hunt for them to see them :D

All Hair: Calico Ingmann Creations, 0L hunt prizes
All Clothes, Shoes, and Skin: DeeTalez, 0L hunt prizes