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Creepy pumpkin features

Trick or treat? I'll show you a treat from Miel.

This fun pumpkin dress is free in the subscribo until October 31st


There is an animated spooky pumpkin face or a plain version of the dress and it also comes with this awesome pumpkin top hat (spiders not included) ;) I LOVE IT!!

The shoes and socks are also from Miel, they are colour changeable with a click and look just perfect with this dress doncha think?

miel 5

Dress: Miel Subscribo gift until 31 oct

Shoes and socks: Miel (not free)
Say Hair in sunset: Lamb (not free)
Skin: Blowpop Elizabeth N2 Graphite (not free)

Now I must go because my child is spooked and she keeps getting out of bed, it's nothing to do with the fact she glimpsed the spiders on this post I hope.