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The Black Market Pirate Union is having a hunt! Some of the best stores in SL have mini shops here with free, cheap, and exclusive items. Adding a hunt on top of that is just getting to have pumpkin AND pecan pie for Thanksgiving dessert. Yum!

The prizes made me feel really giddy and childlike. Lots of color and ruffles and good ideas found in these items.

To claim the prizes go to the area and look around for pumpkins. When you click a pumpkin it will give you a question with three possible answers. The questions are all spooky/Halloween type questions and are really fun. To answer you just type /8 followed by either a, b, or c, whichever you think is the correct answer.

Beware of answering questions on two different pumpkins that are close together, I have discovered; if the first pumpkin you answered on hasn't "timed out" it will still hear you trying to answer the second pumpkin's questions and you will end up getting multiples of the same gift. I think I ended up with like four birdhouses, lol. There are lots of prizes to be found, apparently there are more that just weren't out yet when I started hunting. I have a tendency to jump the gun when I see names like Sugarcube, Ohmai!, Bettelbones, etc. :PBlack Market Freebies:
Long Pearl Necklace: Twosome
Black Necklace w/Flower and Feathers: Glow Studio
Little Witch Necklace: Lagyo
Beanie w/Hair: Balaclava
Yellow Sweater (other colors available too): Modd.G
Chic Tinkerbell Dress/Leotard/Shoes: Ohmai!
Hearts Tank Top: Sugarcube
Orange Camisole: Madsy
Birdhouse w/Built in Poses: =Hoot=

Other Free:
Tennis Racket/Pumpkin Ball/Poses: A.D.D. Andel, opening gift
Rocking Horse: Kagayahime, free

Not Free:
Pants: Malt
Skin: Mix and Match (unreleased)
Hair: Zero Style (past CSR gift)

-The skin from Mix and Match was passed to me as a sneak prview by Manis of Mix and Match. It has adorable built in teeth and I LOVE it. When it comes out I will let you know because her items are always very affordable and good quality.
-Make sure to stop by A.D.D. Andel and make her happy since she just opened and is a super nice girl and loves giving out freebies :D