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Weeks ago, Sasy called all of us to do a limited edition hunt at Tigerclaw. For one reason or another, I totally forgot about my treasures, and they languished, unpacked in my objects folder. Then today, while dropping a fortune in Paradisis, I started looking for my lost treasures. BTW, there's a load of freebies on the second floor of Paradisis and three lucky chairs. Found with a copy/paste of the object name from Sas, I was stoked to get some incredible boots. We decided to head back to Tigerclaw to buy them in different colours (the hunt gift was blue and I wanted to buy them in black)

Boots bought, we explored. The sim has undergone some changes since we were last there, and outside, we found a whole wall of amazing freebies. The boots shown here, the belt, the vest, and so much more. This is cyber punk/ steam punk heaven, with everything from spine attachments to hoverboards, cyborg hands, leg replacements and anything else you could dream up.

The full price stuff is so ridiculously cheap, other colours of the boots for example are only 250L. You may now faint :P The cute skin is a limited time giveaway from Lara Skins, good for 10 days, as of yesterday. Both Paradisis and Tigerclaw are more than worth checking out for some amazing shit, free or otherwise. Ash Out.

Lara Skins (free for 10 days only)
Hair (not free)
Red Queen
Outfit (not free)
Accessories, belt, boots, vest