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Cyber Skin

OK...I have three short posts for you so beware the wrath of Sileny's feed clogging powers. Mwa ha ha! MWA HA HA I SAY!!! >:O

Ahem. This skin is in the board at Cyber Rapunzel and it brings me mucho joy. It's just very different from many skins around and it feels fresh and fun. There is also a tiny pink box that costs 20L and contains donuts and a white tee shirt. I didn't show them here because I will probably end up showing them on a different blog of mine at some point :PSkin: Cyber Rapunzel, lucky board prize (20 minute timer)
Shirt: SugarCube, free
Hair: Dilly Dolls, not free

There are lots of other fun gifties in this shopping area, like a massive freebie wall from TigerClaw. Go check it out and say yaaaaaay!