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Rainy Day Goodies

Today it is really, really hot and really cloudy and gross. Going to rain any time so I can't go anywhere (I don't have a driver's license, so taking the baby for a rainy walk would be not good). SO I am bored and stuck inside. Therefore, you win by getting a blog post from me. LOL!

First up, join the Avantmelon update group and you can claim this cute outfit as your own. You have to love the cute little watermelons on the butt pocket and the front kangaroo pocket. I blogged some fabulous nails on my food blog that would go well with these if you want to check that out. (Not trying to pimp my blog out, it's just we're on some feeds now and I am trying not to double post :P)Outfit: Avantmelon, group gift
Shoes: Old Gravy, store closed no longer available

Also at Avantmelon are these freebie uneven pants which are pretty darn cool. The t-shirts I am wearing with them are from Rezlpsa Loc and are 25L each. There are tons of fun shirts there based on game shows and more, also a dollarbie! Go!Pants: Avantmelon, free
Shirts: Rezlpsa Loc, 25L each

If you are looking for something sexier, you can go hit the MM board at Sweeter Than Candy and get this fabulous bikini. I love the textures on it, and you so can't go wrong with leopard print.Bikini: Sweeter Than Candy, MM board prize

Now for the skin and hair! The skin is a freebie from LeLutka. The quality on these skins is some of the highest in SL, so if you get a chance for a Lelutka freebie you should always take it. The hair is a brand new lucky board prize from Vanity Hair. It comes with this detachable peacock feather if you want to make the style even more fabulous. FABULOUS I say! I got soooo lucky and as soon as I TPd in to stalk the board it changed to a ?. I was like WOOT! SO yay.Skin: LeLutka, free
Hair w/ or w/o feather: Vanity Hair, lucky board prize