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If You're Married, Jackson's Not Interested :-)

Gabrielle, the NY Beauty Examiner, has such a fun interview with Jackson, where he talks about how to get a second date with him and other fun stuff. Here are my favorite excerpts:
GC: What is a total deal-breaker?

JR: If a girl is involved with another guy. I don't believe in the ideology of "if it's a different area code, it's not cheating," I think that's more of an "idiot-ology."

Too many times I've been hit on by a woman with a ring (engagement and/or wedding), and it disgusts me, to be frank. Even if a woman has a boyfriend she is about to break up with... to me, it's wrong. I won't even consider flirting with a woman unless she is completely single.

GC: Do you prefer women with makeup or natural?

JR: Natural, mostly, but I've been known to be extremely attracted to the punk rock look. Though sometimes, it's a little too much and you can't tell how a woman will look when she wakes up; it's really about whatever makeup makes her feel more like herself and more comfortable with who she is, not the other way around. In other words, a woman who defines her makeup and doesn't let the makeup define her.

Read the rest of this interview here. Pic source here.

Thanks again, Coral! You are a lifesaver, as I'm too swamped at work these days to surf for TwiCrack. :-)