Wrong Set: Bruce Willis is No RPattz
My friend has a friend who knows someone with an inside set connection, so when we heard where they "might" be filming we called our "inside connection" and got confirmation. I will not share the exact location details but we were just outside NYC on beautiful XXX Beach where - funny enough - I spent all my childhood summers! Even though we had sure fire confirmation where the set would be for the day, we got a tip that there was filming going on near my apartment so we stopped there first. Turns out it was the Kevin Smith film "A Couple of Cops" starring Bruce Willis - a good find, but not the one we wanted! We hung around for a little bit before heading to the location we wanted to be at. And for the record, any other day when I didn't know where Robert F'ing Pattinson would be, I would have stuck around to meet Bruce & Kevin. Hello, movie legends!Right Set :-)
Anyway, onto the important stuff... SO! We get to the location - the exact location we had been tipped off to and confirmed and what do you know? Trucks, trailers, and Mr. John's are everywhere! Jackpot! We quickly parked after having a semi-canniption over the fact that there was an actual chance we would see Robert Pattinson today, and headed down the street to the house where they were filming.
It was early, about 10AM, and when we got there there was only a couple of kids, their moms, and maybe one photographer. They had the beach blocked off because apparently Robert & Emilie were doing some re-shoots from the day before back on the dunes before heading inside for more shooting.
Robert's Young Fans Remind TCA Why She's Closeted :-)
It was a long wait but around 1PM a nice little hybrid (yay, eco-friendly!) pulled up in front of the house and out came Emilie & Robert for their lunch break! By that point the "couple of kids" turned into about 15-20 kids who all had to be barricaded because they refused to listen to all the crew members telling them they couldn't stand in the street. We were the oldest people there (20 & 24) but we didn't care. While all the little girls were squealing their brains out, my friend and I were taking pictures.
The little girls chased his car all the way down the street and up the next block to his trailer where they camped out for his entire lunch hour. My friend and I took a lunch break ourselves, and headed back just in time for the security guards to move everyone on the opposite side of the street of the trailer that Emilie & Robert were sharing. They were kind enough to tell us where they would be coming out and that we would be seeing them and able to take a picture, but that we needed to stay on the opposite side of the street. This was for not only Robert & Emilie's protection but also the little kids - they were all unsupervised, no one over the age of fifteen, and kept running into the street every time they saw feet on the trailer steps.
These are the same little girls who left Rob "love notes" telling him he was rude - which they later clarified to me was because he didn't come out and take pictures or sign autographs. I tried to explain to them that he is not exactly a big fan of crowds, and the fact that no one is listening to the security & crew is probably not helping, but the little girls were unconvinced by me and my elderly knoweledge. Their loss.Happy Paps
So Robert & Emilie come out, get back into their same eco-friendly car, and head back down to the set. Everyone scrambles.... my friend and I parked right in front of where we were standing so we ran to our car and we ended up giving a ride to both the TMZ guy & the guy from OK Magazine... pretty funny! The TMZ guy was awesome... super chilll, but the OK Magazine guy was kind of awkward. He was British though, so that is a plus. By the time we got back to the set they had already gotten out of the car, but we camped out in hopes of seeing him once again.Summit Beefs Up Security with...Plastic Tape :-)
At one point we left for an iced coffee break and came back and thankfully nothing had changed - except they had blocked us off with exciting "CRIME SCENE" tape! Around 6PMish the little eco-friendly car pulled back up in front of the house, and out came Robert in his cute tacky sweater and then came Emilie - who is very petite and pretty in person!Robert's Other Leading LadyYou will also notice a picture of a little girl with blonde hair and pigtails ina swimsuit and capri's: this is Ruby Jerins, she will be playing the role of "Caroline Roth" which is Rob's character "Tyler Roth"'s little sister. She was adorable! All in all it was a pretty exciting day: we got to see Robert three times! He smiled each time he came out, and there was no sign of an umbrella waiting to pop out and cover his face. Thankfully the crowd stuck to a majority of neighborhood kids with Twilight books, posters, and DVD's ready to sign just in case.