If you're a 90's kid then I am sure you have a Giordano shirt, polo, and socks. It was such a hit back then and until now it's already 2010 to infinity and beyond.
My sister and I walked with pride donning our Giordano socks that we borrow alternately from each other. Whenever our mom went out of the country, she showers us with those plain colored Giordano shirts.
Memories. Now it's Christmas time, Giordano wants to know how you spend Christmas with your favorite Giordano shirts! 5 Giordano planners and shirts are up for grabs.
Here's how:
1. Take a photo of yourself wearing your favorite Giordano shirt, polo, or blouse.
2. Upload it on your FB page and submit your link as a comment to this blog entry with your complete name, email, and contact number. Also write a short description of your photo, the more creative you are the more chance of winning!
The Limited Edition Giordano 2011 Planner has around 240 pages and will be available starting December 15. For a minimum purchase of Php 2,500, you can get the planner for Php 99 only.
3. Also, upload your photo on the Giordano Facebook Page :)
4. There will be 5 winners of a Giordano 2011 Planner and a Giordano Shirt! Deadline is on December 15.
5. Winners should pick up their prizes, no shipping.
That's it! Let the games begin....