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nothing free here, just some criminally underpriced stuff for your e-dolly. visit the albero winter thingy for a ton of items from some pretty damn good creators that are a) cheap as hell b) transferable just in case you're feeling generous... or if you're selfish like me, be generous to yourself and hoard that shit. i'm only showing 2 items from albero -- kari's duke boots and sea salt's wet boots rug -- because in addition to not-generous, i am also incredibly lazy they're kinda great. just go buy stuff, okay? or buy *me* stuff. whatever.

poncho - ribbon (30L!)
hair - lamb
skin - tres blah
jeans - mon tissu
boots - kari for the albero winter dollar fair thing
rug - sea salt for the albero winter dollar fair thing
ring - deco for one eleven
coffee mug - theosophy