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F*Me Pumps

First up Vinly Cafe has set a new freebie - Gucci Style Leather Boots two pairs in Blueberry & Emerald these shinny textured boots make you feel on top, fierce & ready to stick someone in the eye with your stiletto heel to who ever is trying to take the last pair of skinny jeans on the rack towards the back of the store when you clearly saw it 1st! lol sorry random moment xD any who, these are available for a limited time only so get them while you can.

Second runner up, The Dominion Fashion District always has something for you to snatch up (are Vinyl & Dominion related? lol) they put out these adorable, sexy Manolo Blahnik inspired in two tone pink - slingback heels with a sculpted orchid to give it that soft touch. Great for Spring / Easter or even yet for the beginning of Summer (ugh I cant wait!)

They also released booties - ankle high, black suede and patent leather ankle boots. I think they'll look good in skinny jeans if you ask me (since i don't think they look so good on me with a dress, but i tried.) You can get these exact same pair of shoes in RED at the Vinyl Cafe.

These purple boots can ALSO be found at Vinyl on a stand. think they are so cute - aside the fact i love purple, i like the way the shoe tip is kind of round kind of like a rain boot :]

(i know my skin is showing out but i was a little spectacle & mostly lazy to resize it T_T lol)

Outfits i matched up with:

dress *Mythology* Scrunch Dress(es) @ *Mythology* (there is also green but didn't match the Emerald boots so decided not to show it); Big thanks to Eden for tping me to pick up these cute dresses up, tysm again ^_^ <3
skin *LAZOLLI*Julia 009(darling blue)/Julia 011(purple catliner)/012(pink catliner) @ *LAZOLLI*
earrings SBJ Freebie Nautilus Shell Earring @ Sian Birke Jewelry
nails {Frick} Manicure @ {Frick}

jean/pants [Random Fashions] - Very Skinny Jeans "Dark Wash" @ Gnubie
hair [Random] - Stacey 3 @ Gnubie
earrings SBJ Freebie Nautilus Shell Earring @ Sian Birke Jewelry
top/shirt [IE] Rich Plain Tanks - Green -= Imperial Elegance =-

dress *: Lo*momo :* GroupGift - Thumbelina (Green) (must have tag on) @ *: Lo*momo :*
hair =TEKUTEKU= sunshine(brown) (not free)@ =TAKUTEKY=

glasses Geeky Ageplay Glasses (pastgroup gift - no longer available .. i think) by Decollage
hair =TEKUTKEU= cottoncandy2(black) (not free) =TAKUTEKY=
cig FNKY! Cigarette II (not free) @ FNKY!
dress {J.DIKES} Purple Sequince (by me ;D) @ Free*Style Horst location
nails Manicure French Goth (not free)@ * Ink Slingers Warehouse


Other worn threw out (not available):

bracelet Pearl CubicHeart Bracelet by me
Pearl Necklace (by a friend)
eyes ( DP ) Eyes - Dark Green