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Free*Style Group Changes

Hi there!

You may already be aware of my intended Free*Style group changes, as I have sent this message out to the in-world group today.

I've been thinking about this for a while, but something has happened today which has been decision maker.
I did not realise when I set up the Free*Style that freebie groups and blogs would become some sort of popularity competition.  I simply started it for fun and and to help new players.

I don't have the time nor the inclination to compete over something so pointless.  I'm only here for fun, SL is just a hobby to me!

Therefore, the Free*Style group will now simply be to let people know of the new freebies myself and my bloggers/friends create, or cool things we have personally found.

It's not going to be a mass freebie sending notices anymore, there are many other groups for that.  I want to keep the quality high in this group, like it was originally intended.

I will be making the changes from tomorrow.

If you are a creator or store owner in the group, please do not take offence if you can no longer send notices. If you search 'Freebies' in SL groups you will find many other groups to join in which you can send your freebie notices.

The Free*Style blog will remain as is and stores will be open as usual.  The Free*Style Chat Room and Home and Garden groups will remain as they are also.

Thank you to all the Free*Style group members, especially those who have been with us from the start.  I'm going to try to get this group back to how it was and I would love it if you decide to stay with us :)

<3 Creamy