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Fight This.

This is a totally random title for this totally random post!
I got this outfit from Cynful, a week ago, although it's been avaliable since the start of Feb (so you still got a couple of days if you still want it!)

Fight This.

Cynful Feb Special, $1L

Here is a dollarbie I made to celebrate my new pose collection! I am using a lot of props lately and will continue to do so. This time the theme is surrounded by donuts - after a very appropriate trip to Krispy Kreme! Rarrrwwwwwrrr gimme those donuts!!!

[doll.] Donut Hula!

[doll.] Donut Hula (just wear it), $1L

You can check out the full collection at my store, [doll.]. The Donut Hula dollarbie is there too!

Suri, xoxo