In last night's episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold, "Night of the Batmen," Batman suffers a serious injury, and his fellow Justice Leaguers take his place patrolling Gotham. Green Arrow, Shazam, and Aquaman settle on their looks quickly, but Plastic Man tries out a few classic styles before settling on a pantsless look:
He has a fight with Catwoman:
And argues with the others as to who's the best Batman:
The end of the episode shows several more Batman volunteers:
A Youtube user uploaded a Portal 2 playthrough, edited down to the developer commentary portions. Above is part one. (The paint/gel mechanics are derived from a student game called Tag: the Power of Paint. Very interesting to listen to how the designers "train" the players as they play through the game.)
And speaking of Portal, here's some Chell screenshots:
The Valve store sells Aperture Science tank tops, but no orange jumpsuits.