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More RibboN

Soooo I know I just blogged RibboN but they put out more goodies and I can't resist! This dress is a subscriber gift but if for some reason it is taken out of the notices there is a green version in the lucky boards and other colors for some super low price, as usual.
Kiko's RIbboN
The skin is from Kiko Life and is not free BUT you can win tons of tattoo makeups in the lucky chairs and MM boards and there are even subscriber gifts. As with all tattoo makeups they don't work with every skin but part of the fun is trying it with all types!

Dress: RibboN, subscriber gift (green version in the lucky boards)
Tattoo Makeup: Kiko Life, lucky chair prize
Skin: Kiko Life
Hair: Fashionably Dead
Stockings: Vive9
Pose: [Doll.]