You ready for some gifts?
ZombiePopcorn is back with another hunt, and there are plenty of great things to pick up from partipating stores!
Style Notes:
Pose: [doll.]™ [doll.] Hannah 06 Variation #1 FATPACK IS $50L, FOR FASHION REHABILITATION
Skin: LAQ Tess2
Sweater: {MV} Deer Sweater (ZP Hunt Gift)
Jeans: *Fishy Strawberry* - Metal Foil Jeans (part of an outfit, With Love Hunt Gift)
Bag: [croire] Snowflake Tote Bag, $0L LOOK FOR BLACK SACK ON WINDOW SILL
Shoes: [SG*] Peko (ZP Hunt Gift)
Suri x
(Drinking soya milk)