I know, baby - it makes my head hurt too!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! It's only a whoooole fricking year today until Breaking Dawn... Part 1.
That's right, there's a whole 67039257294563523526 days until Part 2!
Just imagine *day dreams* a year from today, where will you be sporting your make-shift pregnant Bella costume - non-clear beverage cup in hand, egg-box purse, secret underPattz on and, oh yeah, divine sparkley husband at your side?
I intend to be lining up like a champ along with my Twi-BBs and bouncing my emmer effing fan-girl heart out :D
And how will we count the days? With as much TwiCrack as we can muster - gotta have a fix!
Now, just like Bella - deep breaths *Huff-Puff* you can do this!
- Lorabell :/