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The Twilight Lexicon found these interesting details on today's shooting schedule:
- Filming in the waterfall area began early today
- The area is not accessible barriers and security have the area sealed off
- The most you can see are crew trucks(see photos)Stephenie Meyer is not at this location but it is believed that Rob and Kristen and their doubles are
- Filming should shift later today to the Isle Esme locationIt is believed that Stephenie Meyer will be at the Isle Esme location
- There is a veritable flotilla of boats piled with photographers and fans anchored off the island at the 200 yard perimeter established and patrolled by the Brazilian navy
- Anyone attempting to break the perimeter will have to deal with the Brazilian navy [<--- that's a bad thing?]
Sparkley vampires in trunks? Why not ;)
- Lorabell