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Draconic Kiss Cheapies and NEW Free Store!

Every time Draconic Kiss releases something, ever since I was a n00b, I have been super excited to see it! She makes some of the loveliest things with a touch of dark creativity only the best in SL can match. When the Tarot Hunt came around a while back I was floored by the awesome Empress corset and hoped for more. Well now she's made my hope a reality!
The corsets are 20L each in a random vendor and represent all of the major arcana. They are transfer so if you get extra you can gift your friends and make them all "OH YAY THANK YOU!" That's always fun! Then we have some other great artists doing freebies! The skin, hair, and leggings I am wearing all came from the new artist's floor of Enky's Dollar Store. The lower floors have the traditional "n00b" items but this top floor....well, it's special. 1L and free items from ALB Dream Fashion, Exile, Lolipopz, Idiosyncrasy, LeeZu, Courtisane, Ayumi, Sn@tch, Dany, and just tons more I can't even think of right now. Really must be seen to be believed! New vendors coming soon :D

Corsets: Draconic Kiss, 20L each in a random vendor
Undershirt: Flavor! Designs (part of the 60L Sunday kilt outfit)
Boots: Anexx, not free
Skirt: Black Fizz, free (look up high to find it)

Enky's Dollar Store items located HERE:
Skin: Idiosyncrasy
Hair: Exile
Leggings: Ayumi