broadway collar and earrings: very detailed, from Perturb/ation, Accessory hunt gift!
gorgeous orange corsage from JETDOLL ! 1L
cropped tee, soooo good. 60L from rbcg by Kyrsten Jigsaw (free version in subscribo)
face piercing modded into belly piercing, hunt gift from !SydS at AF2010
gloves: 20L, anuenue gacha
shorts: FREEE from surf co. at Le.Look! Thank you very much to Ashe Anthony for plurking it and posting it on freebietelegraph here!
necklace and earrings: AF2010 hunt gift from Crystal Line
peach dress and cherry blossom hair flower: JETDOLL , 1L! (the cherry blossom is in a box near the airport area)
gloves: part of sorrow doll fishing prize from sn@tch
shades: ninja shades, free from Kumaki Glasses Style at Accessory Fair!
P/a necklace, available at Perturb/ation at Accessory Fair
circle earrings: free from SPICA at accessory fair!
purple hand-beads: group gift from Garage! (Garage is also having a skin sale, all skins 250L, some skins are 25L and 50L!)
checkered lingerie: 1L from JETDOLL ! (I'm probably keeping the bra just to wear under a jacket!)
checkered knee socks: 1L from JETDOLL !
gloves: Bliensen & Maitai, RFL item for Accessory Fair, the gloves flash like broadway lights.