Speaking of notices, this hair from Red Queen, which I blogged previously, is still in the group notices last I checked! I think it works well with the freebie skin from .:o0oEternityo0o:. (which is free in store for all.) Make sure to wander around .:o0oEternityo0o:. because there are freebies and lucky boards for male and female. Finally some man love too! Oh! And the scarves were made by Alexx for her contribution to the Shoes and Accessories hunt in her Shape It Up! location (Yep, I am not the only creator at Shape It Up! Alexx is the cuter and more cool of the two of us ;D)
OK! Hope you only these finds and many kisses to Tesh!!
Skin1: Eternity, group gift in notices
Skin2: Eternity, free in store
Hair1: Red Queen, 1L for group members in store
Hair2: Red Queen, group gift in notices
Scarves: Shape It Up!, SAH gift
Eyes: Curio, not free