The Lex has confirmed Kiowa Gordon on Twitter - follow him @CircaKiGordon and Tweet a wolfy welcome :)
- Lorabell
Shooting today – Kristen Stewart’s “Bella” with her mom played by Sarah Clarke who arrived yesterday in Vancouver shooting a scene that’s supposed to be “Florida” at a beach house while “Edward” hides inside from sun.Something is distracting me about the hairline on the wig. Is it just me?
Now Taylor lives with his family an hour outside Los Angeles, although the distance does little to dissuade the paparazzi. "There are twelve cars that camp outside my house," he marvels. "You can't ever really get used to it, because it's not normal to have people snapping pictures of everything you do. You just have to try not to let it affect you." Tabloid attention and spurious rumors are the norm for the Twilight cast right now—Taylor and his costars are already hard at work on the third film, Eclipse. And he seems quite capable of taking it all in stride: Asked about his alleged early summer romance with Disney star Selena Gomez, he says, quite unperturbedly, "She's a great girl." Asked whether Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are indeed entangled in a torrid love triangle, he just laughs. "It's crazy," he admits, "but the fans help. They're a big part of the motivation."
As if on cue, a pair of wide-eyed young sisters approach his table, looking ecstatic. "We're all Team Jacob in our house," their mother says. Taylor does have a point when he insists that people are reacting, in part, to the character he plays—these two are each clutching one of author Stephenie Meyer's dictionary-size tomes for him to autograph—but he's also being too humble. The girls are definitely old enough to understand that Taylor is a rising star, not a teen werewolf, and they still look pretty starstruck.
Edited for teenvogue.com. For the complete story pick up the October 2009 issue of Teen Vogue, on newsstands September 8!
Check it all out here.
It turns out despite the fact that it’s being reported as fact in various quarters that it’s just plain rumor and nothing more. We confirmed with Summit that Luisana Lopilato in not invovled in Eclipse.Read more here.
Now while some of the cast had left, the day wasn't over for everyone. There was one more location to film at, a nearby park for a quick scene involving Bella and her dad Charlie. We spotted Kristen getting into a car with Billy Burke a little before they shot that scene. and then we saw David Slade working with the crew, as they set up the set. Finally we also spotted some of the extras with their caps and gowns.Read it all here.
I was shopping at Donna Flora the other night, and her traffic wasn't all it should be. How can this be, when she makes such sweet little morsels? Back on her freebie wall, there are also shoes, hair and a skin (maybe two) - I saw a chocolate one that I didn't have time to pick up and shoot.
Each of these outfits are available at Donna Flora mainstore for 1L!
Now let's talk about the skin. You know we all keep telling you to join Tuli's group! It's 250L to join but as always it's worth it, she recently gave us Pris (a la BLADE RUNNER) and Goth as gifts. The hair is a lucky chair prize from Little Heaven.
Where to get it?
Hair - Little Heaven
All Clothes - Donna Flora (hey I pulled this slurl off of someone elses post So I'm crossing my fingers it's right - but she is CLEARLY listed in SEARCH - Donna Flora - go to the MAINSTORE)