I Love 13 is just an extremely awesome store. The clothes are always interesting and fun, with great textures and affordable prices. And to make everything more awesome they also give out frequent gifties to their group members. Right now they have an official crap ton of gifts out for the squeeing delight of all group members. This skin is my fave. Xonx has been wearing it for at least a week straight now and me being in any skin longer than one day at a time is a pretty big deal. The cuddly and slightly creepy should bear is a gift on the Elliot sim from the always fantastic Lurvebite. And the sexy latex bikini is from a brand spanking new fetish shop located inside of Reasonable Desires and is only 1L for three colors!

I Love 13, group gift
I Love 13, group gift (previously blogged but still available)
Lurvebite, Elliot gift
ReFlex, 1L
Dilly Dolls, not free
Next, some mouth goodies for you enjoyment! You all know how much I love foods, so the tea bag made me smile. And the bat? Well, when wearing the bat if you click the ground you spew a wonderful puddle of blood. ROFL. Nice to impress the boy or girl on a first date I say.

Mouth Oddities:
I Love 13, group gifts
And finally, the grand finale of creepy. The CreepHead. Look at it...doesn't it make you want to cry just a little bit? Oh, how I love you CreepHead. I need to mod some big doll hair to fit over it and put on one of my floofy dresses. The joy that will be had! Send me all your CreepHead photos, I love this thing!

I Love 13, group gift