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Sweets from Sanu

I saw some comments in the Free*Style chat box about new bloggers.  I just want to say that I have admired all the people who blog here and am honored that Ash harassed me into doing this.  Please bear with me while I learn (because I'm still afraid of Photoshop).  I hope all the others stick around for a very, very long time.  
Today has been one of those days where the items I was going to post have been removed, my poses didn't cooperate and RL totally took precedence.  It has given me a whole new level of appreciation for the work that goes into doing a good post.  Enough whining.

Sanu has a dollarbie lollipop at the entrance to her store.  It is only for today so run down there now.  It is right before you enter the store by her mailbox.  The hair is another group gift (2 this week!) by Bubbles Clawtooth for the Clawtooth by Clawtooth Update Group.   This one is named, Tiny Dancer (Pink Eye), as a tribute to Sir Elton John.  So goodbye yellow brick road!