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Creepy For Cheapy

All of you Canadians of a certain age there should get the SCTV Count Floyd reference in the title - I couldn't resist. These fab fashions aren't really creepy but they are cheap, or free AND gorgeous! Check it out.

Halloween Gothic Black Wedding Dress

This black gothic gown is free at Halloween. Shown with gloves from Mimikri and hair by Skye Everett.

Leezu Halloween Subscribo Gift

Leezu sent out this amazing feathered Halloween gown in their subscribo group today. It's really gorgeous. I've shown it with some cool 75 linden spider web shoes from Halloween. They come with a HUD and everything. Hair by Baiastice.

75 L Spider Shoes W/HUD

Here's a close up of the shoes. I LOVE them!

Group Gift Dress

Vinyl Cafe has a brand new group gift out, this gorgeous teal corseted dress. Other colors are available for just 50 lindens. I've shown it with hair by Fri.day, hat by Nonna Hedges, and shoes by Vinyl Cafe.

Halloween Witchy

This sexy outfit has a perfect train for flying on your broom and is another Halloween freebie.

I hope you're having a great time getting ready for the Halloween season!