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Dressing Room and Boudoir

I wanted to share a few finds from The Dressing Room and Boudoir. All items from The Dressing Room range in price from 40 to 70 lindens. Not quite free but almost!

Dressing Room A & A Fashion

The Dressing Room has brand new items available from top designers, including this sexy dress from A & A.

Boudoir Gift

This gorgeous flirty dress is a new free item from Boudoir. I've accessorized it with Paper Couture hair and shoes by Stiletto Moody (not free).


These shoes from YS at The Dressing Room are fully scripted with color change menus for the skin and nails.

Dressing Room Glam Affair

This Glam Affair outfit, also from The Dressing Room, includes the leggings and the gloves.

Dressing Room Veschi

Grab this dress from Veschi at The Dressing Room. I've worn it without the cowl neck prim. The feathery shoes are from Maitreya Gold (not free).

Dressing Room R.icelli Bodysuit

Ricielli is offering a fatpack of these bodysuits at The Dressing Room (purple, azure and tan). Shown here with the Stiletto Moody sky high boots (not free).

Dressing Room SMS Dress

And last but not least, this flirty SMS dress is also at The Dressing Room. The stockings are from League (not free).

The dressing room items are only available for the next two weeks so get them while you can!