I thought this next sideswept updo hair was tres romantic with pretty soft waves piled high at the crown + loose curls falling softly around the face. There's a lustrous blue-black sheen that really makes this dark color pop.

To close: a quick dose of le kyoot. -- Check out this adorable giraffe doll which you can win for free at Stray Pig. It comes with a cute holding ani (shown below). There's 4 lucky boards here total + some cute other freebies here. Join the group for $0L + check the Notices for a free adorable twirling elephant head doll; more fun freebies in-store too, like a whisking bowl + wearable skis.

ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
(who does not enjoy getting teased about her inventory)

Skin: LeLutka - GIFT 28/02/2010 - [LeLutka]-IFEsunTan-NEVER(D Brows) - group gift (join group for $0L; look in Notices) - free
Hair: !SyDS! - Amelie2 - Honey (LB ver) - lucky board prize (join group for $0L first to click the lucky boards) - free
Top: Kissed by Lithium - KBL: Black & Khaki Top - free
Necklace + earrings: Donna Flora - Renee aqua
Eyes: Negaposi - Lunar Eyes - Water (Large Iris)
Lashes: Glow Studio - Avantgarde.eyelashes - Linkas
2nd look:
Skin: LeLutka - GIFT 28/02/2010 - [LeLutka]-IFElight-VAMP(D Brows) - group gift (join group for $0L; look in Notices) - free
Hair: !SyDS! - Kyrie - Raven - lucky board prize (join group for $0L first to click the lucky boards) - free
Top: P.S. Style - P.S. Style Button Blouse plum - March group gift - free
Jeans: Honey - HONEY+LB_0047(rainbowJeans) - lucky board prize - free
Eyes: Pop Feel - Venus Eeys M-Rainbow - lucky board prize - free
Bracelets: !SyDS! - Brilliant Snowy Flower Bracelet (buy box on table underneath lucky boards) - free (shown above)
Earrings: Ume Mode - UM Blossom_Pierce (color change) - group gift - free
Sage green scarf: Zeery - Dyed Scarf Spring Moss - group gift (join group for $0L; look in Notices) - free
Purple scarf: Zeery - Color Couture Scarf - Purple People eater (in store) - current $5L gift
Rainbow scarf: Zeery - Scarf Aurora Australis - former $5L gift
Shoes: Nardcotix - Rebekah Pumps Chocolate
Giraffe: Stray Pig - [SP]StrayGiraffe_Wear - lucky board prize - free
Poses by: Flowey, !SyDS!, pda