I had a blind date with a guy named Jerry and I wanted to get the best outfit possible. I went to C'est La Vie and bought some great things and got some good freebies too!
C'est La Vie, lucky board prize
Lamb, not free
Sn@tch, RFL donation item
Sh*t Happens, not free
I tried several things on, all were super cute!
Sweater and Bag:
C'est La Vie, gacha items (35L each I believe)
What to wear what to wear!!
C'est La Vie, new release not free but I'm wearing it anyway :P
Then I decided on a short, sexy number with thigh-high stockings. What man doesn't like thigh-highs, right? Well he liked them so much...SO MUCH...he straight up messed his pants when he saw me. I felt so bad for the guy I still went on the date with him and even gave him some pity time in the bedroom because....well...he was still a hottie!
C'est La Vie, 20 minute item camp
Nardcotix, past hunt gift no longer free
Well that pity loving got me knocked up! Now we're a happy family. Well, maybe not exactly happy, but at least he doesn't mess his pants...as often.
Couples Poses:
GlitterattiOn Jerry:
Shirt on Jerry:
Flavor! Designs, free
HOC, not free but under 50L and they're color change
Tiny BirdSkin: