Check out this li'l troublemaker that my personal huntmaster
Gavin McGinnis found while we were doing the
Om Nom Nom Hunt yesterday. We called him
Chef Panda.

Now here's the back story on
Chef Panda: this little guy was like, the
smile police (see his li'l frying pan? That thing was dangerous). -- Notice how
Gavin is deliberately
not smiling here.
G can be a bit of a troublemaker himself s
o I'm not exactly surprised, but Chef Panda was
not pleased. Takes one to know one, I say.
You can grab Chef Panda here: Lantern Evolution - Panda-Inu Chef - OmNomNom Hunt #21 (you are looking for a burger; HINT: a fresh pair of eyes helps you see clearly, especially downstairs!) - free
OmNomNom Hunt is
such fun for
both SL foodies
and SL sillies; I'll try to work in more of the
awes stuffs just waiting to be scooped. Love + fashionista kisses to all!
Teshan2222 Wycliffe(who could happily
om nom SL foodstuffs
all day)