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Clean Your Sn@tch.

Ah yes. Sn@tch. If anyone was going to give the freshness of summer to a whole new meaning it would be Sn@tch. There is a douche hunt going on right now where you can get some pretty fabulous prizes. Like, A TON of fabulous prizes. I have six outfits here and that doesn't even cover all the Sn@tch items, plus more vendors are taking part as well.All clothes/hair/shoes/accessories/tattoos: Sn@tch douche hunt prizes

There are tattoos, manicures, shoes, hair, female clothes, and male clothes as well (even a pair of shoes that fit men!!!). Really just an ass load of good stuff.Clothes/Shoes/Tattoos/Hair on right: Sn@tch hunt
Hair On Left: Stringer Mausoleum, past gift no longer free

Just want to take a moment out here to say thank you to Ivey and all of the great designers in SL who make such fabulous things for us all the ooh and aah at. My second life would have been dead on arrival if I hadn't spotted some pretties I wanted to dress my pixel doll in. Now I have lots of great pals, a shop of my own, and a massive wardrobe. And for designers to give these items away for free on occassion...well, it's just really awesome. Making clothes this nice takes a ton of time and effort so please remember to say thank you when you can and support the designers you love.All Clothes/Tattoos/Shoes: Sn@tch hunt
Hair: Stringer Mausoleum, no longer free

Anyway, back to business. The skin I am wearing is a new release from Tuli, here is a close up! It's so pretty I want to take it and plaster it to my eyes so I can only see it and nothing else. OK, not really, but it is really cute. Not free but I am showing it anyway :P

Here are some close ups of some other fun makeups in the line which are not free, but just really different from normal Tuli so worth a peek!
So go out this "summer's eve" and find some douche. And buy some shit too.

OK, with that I go on my month long leave of absence from SL. Don't have too much fun without me!! Miss me! LOL.

IMPORTANT EDIT: Apparently not everyone reads the hunt signs but not every item in the Sn@tch hunt is 100% free. There are like 30 items and only 5 of those are not free (and all under 50L). The ones that aren't free are FATPACKS. And you can't blame a store owner for you not reading before clicking buy. Or reading signs. Or hunt note cards.