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X-Men: First Class poster contest

Update: I picked Clyde Bailey's entry as best meeting the challenge of providing the "stylish and sexy poster that X-Men: First Class deserves." Thanks to everyone who participated.

Here are all the entires in the X-Men: First Class poster design contest. I'll announce the winner(s) later today.

The first entry isn't a poster, instead it's Saul Bass/James Bond-style opening credits for the movie:

Joe D!.

Shane Parker.

Bryan Lenning.

Jason Peters.

Rory Phillips.

John Moody.

Dean Reeves.

Kirk Dunne.

Berry Villegas.

Clyde Bailey.

Nicholas Baltra.

John J. Freeze.

Erik Johnson.

Gruffydd Ywain.

Christian Jacke.

Josh Siegel.

Michael Dee.

Dane Forst.

Jeffrey Zhang.

Carlos Melgares.

Austen Lavery.

Rob Lockley.